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Building a SaaS Application with Django

Learn to build a scalable, easy-to-maintain, production software-as-a-service web application with Python and Django.

The easiest way to start a SaaS

SaaS Pegasus is the Django SaaS Boilerplate that ships with user and team support, Stripe subscriptions, a modern JavaScript pipeline, background tasks, and more!

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Modern JavaScript for Django Developers

Working with Django in the modern JavaScript ecosystem without giving up the things that make it great


Why JavaScript in 2024 is hard, how to make it less painful, and a roadmap for the rest of the series.

Part 1

Part 1

Organizing your Front-End Codebase in a Django Project

The two common ways of setting up a Django / JavaScript project—understanding their advantages, shortcomings, and finding a happy middle ground.

Part 2

Part 2

A Crash Course in Modern JavaScript Tooling

Demystifying npm, webpack, babel, and rest of the JavaScript tooling ecosystem so we can get down to building modern web applications.

Part 3

Part 3

Integrating a Modern JavaScript Pipeline into a Django Application

The nuts and bolts of integrating our shiny new front-end pipeline into our Django project—and using it to create some simple "Hello World" applications with webpack, React, and Vue.

Part 4

Part 4

How to build a React application in a Django project

Learning about hybrid applications by creating a single-page React app. Exploring the common issues that come up and how to solve them.

Part 5

Part 5

Django, HTMX and Alpine.js: Modern websites, JavaScript optional

Building a modern front end in Django without reaching for a full-blown JavaScript framework. Choosing the right tools for the job, and bringing them into your project.

Part 6

Part 6

Django and OpenAPI: Front end the better way.

How to work with Django APIs and JavaScript in a way that doesn't suck.

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